About us

Project`s Mission


Baltic TOP 30 is socially important initiative, organized by Prudentia and Confidentus in cooperation with Nasdaq offices in Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius. This initiative is based on a wish to encourage public debate about the value of a company and help to understand motives of purchasing, selling and merging companies, the competitiveness of Baltic region, strengthening the understanding of the value of the company as an important reference point for further development.

Project`s Creators

About Prudentia

Prudentia is the leading corporate finance company in the Baltic States serving clients from its offices in Tallinn and Riga. Prudentia provides a full spectrum of corporate finance and M&A advisory services for corporate and private clients.

In addition to the core business activities, Prudentia actively implements and participates in a number of socially significant projects. The main focus of these projects is to provide further support to the development of education within society and encourage the growth of nascent entrepreneurs.

TOP 101 of Latvia’s most valuable enterprises is one of the most important social activities organized by Prudentia in partnership with Nasdaq Riga from 2005. TOP101 of Estonia`s most valuable enterprises was officially launched by Prudentia and Nasdaq Tallinn in 2020.

More information about Prudentia is available here:

Nasdaq Tallinn

Nasdaq Baltic is a common name for exchanges, regulated markets, alternative markets First North operated by Nasdaq companies in the Baltic states, i.e. Nasdaq Tallinn AS, Nasdaq Riga, AS and AB Nasdaq Vilnius.

Nasdaq Baltic offers a comprehensive, efficient and secure marketplace regulated to global standards for companies to raise capital and for investors to transact and settle financial products seamlessly between the three countries.

The essential elements of a single Baltic marketplace like shared global technology, one market model, joint membership, common information distribution and other have been put in place, making the region easier accessible and more attractive to local and international investors, as well as companies seeking to list their shares on the stock exchange.

Read more:


Confidentus partners are successful practitioners that have more than 20 years of experience in corporate finance and banking. We provide a broad array of high-quality investment banking services: sell-side and buy-side M&A, capital raising of debt and equity, strategic advisory and business valuation.

Confidentus is a member of a leading mid-market M&A advisory practice M&A Worldwide. Our network is bringing professional M&A services to companies, entrepreneurs, private equity firms, and business professionals through members located in 49 offices in all continents.

More information about Confidentus is available here:


For questions related to please use our main email address:

Global M&A Baltics
Riga, Tallinn
Phone: +371 67 212 324

Nasdaq riga

Nasdaq Baltics
Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius
Phone: +371 67 212 431


Konstitucijos ave. 21a,
Vilnius, Lithuania
Phone: +370 61 215 003